
License Statistics v5.11

Dear Customers,

We’re excited to announce that we have just released a major upgrade of License Statistics.

License Statistics version 5.11 includes the following new enhancements:

  • Added new Settings form on License Server Uptime report that allows more control over report contents.
  • Added ability to export data series to different formats, including CSV, XLSX, and PDF, on Usage History Comparison chart.
  • Added LDAP User details to Usage Per User report when user list is displayed in single row.
  • Created new descriptions on grid backgrounds for instances when no data is displayed.
  • Improved consistency of default data ordering on grids.

In addition to these enhancements, this version includes several fixes to existing features, giving you an even more stable version of License Statistics.

Read a full list of release notes to stay on top of all changes introduced with this release.