

License Statistics

Why LS

Software asset management is a critical part of nearly any business’s success. Software can be very expensive, as well as

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LM-X License Manager
Gabrijel Zelic

LM-X support for Linux ARM

The evolution of High Performance Computing (HPC) over the past years and its expected substantial growth to come has many businesses considering how to bring

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X-Formation - Public holiday notice for 2024
Gabrijel Zelic

Public holiday notice for 2024

Dear Customers, We wish to advise that our office in Krakow will be closed on the following days during 2024: January 1 (Monday)April 1 (Monday)May

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License Statistics
Gabrijel Zelic

Why LS

Software asset management is a critical part of nearly any business’s success. Software can be very expensive, as well as critical to productivity. A lack

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