
License Statistics v6.19 brings you increased performance and versatility

With License Statistics version 6.19, we’ve introduced many new features and enhancements that are aimed at making License Statistics more versatile, as well helping you maximize its performance. Let’s take a look at some of the major improvements we’re bringing to you with License Statistics v6.19.

Dynamic date ranges

In previous versions of License Statistics, reports that were filtered using date ranges (for example, “Last Week” or “Current Quarter”) were static, so always showed results relative to the date the report was generated. With v6.19, we’ve greatly improved this capability by enabling dynamic date ranges, which are always relative to the current date.

With this new handling of date ranges, when you add a report to the Dashboard, you’ll always see the appropriate report for the current week, last week, current month, last quarter, etc., relative to today’s date.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to replace any existing reports you’ve added to the Dashboard with a newly generated report using v6.19 or newer in order to see dynamic date ranges in the Dashboard.

New Suspend License Harvesting method

This release adds a new Suspend harvesting method to the License Harvesting modes, giving you more flexibility in the way that you enforce the release of idle licenses.

The Suspend method “freezes” the application so it can be released to the license pool. Although the application cannot be used while suspended, it remains visible to the end user, and no unsaved data is lost. The end user can resume using the application by responding to an alert issued when the application first becomes suspended, or they can resume use of the application at any time using the License Harvesting tray icon.

To use the new Suspend method, you must have License Statistic Agent v6.19 and install the free Optional Harvesting Tools, which is easily done during installation or upgrade of License Statistics v6.19 (or newer).

Ability to adjust Agent connection interval

License Statistics v6.19 adds the ability to adjust the connection interval for License Statistics Agent, which can provide significant performance benefits.

In previous releases, this interval was set to 30 seconds (still the default) and could not be adjusted. Now, you can increase the interval to up to 600 seconds (10 minutes). When there are a large number of End User Agents, increasing the connection interval setting will reduce the occurrence of redundant connections, thereby improving performance, with no impact on functionality or difference in the data that’s gathered.

While increasing the interval can benefit performance, keep in mind that with a higher connection interval, configuration changes will be applied to Agents less often.

Manual session closing

License Statistics administrators will enjoy the added convenience of being able to close sessions on the license server directly from Features Realtime Sessions and Users Realtime Sessions reports.

Administrators can manually force the session to release on the corresponding license server and return the license to the available pool. (Available for LM-X and FlexNet license managers only.)

Additional new features and enhancements

In addition to the changes detailed above, this release brings you a number of other new features and enhancements, most notably:

We hope that the new features and enhancements we’ve incorporated into License Statistics will be valuable for meeting your license management needs. As always, we appreciate your feedback, so please let us know what you think of the new features and enhancements we’ve delivered with License Statistics v6.19, and don’t hesitate to contact support@x-formation.com with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!