
Make the most out of a reduced workforce with License Statistics

As many businesses continue to contend with a challenging global economy, reducing workforce to a bare minimum has been necessary for some to stay afloat. Usually taken as a last measure, cutting back on your number of employees may help provide some needed relief, but are you taking all the necessary steps to realize the maximum savings associated with having fewer employees?

One often-overlooked area when decreasing expenses related to individual employees is IT spend. You may not have considered the huge impact that unused or underused software licenses can have on your bottom line. Not only will License Statistics help you eliminate unnecessary IT spend, it will also help you make the most of your existing licenses, ensuring that your reduced workforce is as productive as possible.

Eliminate unused and underused software licenses

As a result of reducing your number of employees, your software license needs will undoubtedly change. Without effective license management in place, you run the risk of having expensive software licenses laying about entirely unused, while other software licenses may actually increase in demand as a result of shifting responsibilities and workloads.

Clearly, with many software licenses costing multiple hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year, not to mention related costs for support and hardware, your savings realized by cutting down on software license waste could be considerable.

Improve productivity

While you want to slash costs related to unused software, you also want to be sure that employees have reliable access to the software they need. Especially after changes in staffing levels, gaining a clear understanding of your new software license usage needs is crucial.

When employees have the latest technologies and consistent access to those resources, they’re able to do their jobs more productively. If reducing your workforce has increased the workload for your remaining employees, you must be particularly diligent in ensuring your remaining employees have all they need to get their work done efficiently.

Get a handle on IT spend

License Statistics delivers invaluable information about how your licenses are used so that you can reevaluate your IT spend. Properly managing your IT assets can have exponential effects. Not only is there an immediate savings on software spend, but as your IT team gains clarity regarding exactly what your expenses are and where you can reduce them, your license management program can continue to result in savings for your business year after year.

With support for over 30 different license managers, as well as the ability to be used with desktop applications and custom software, License Statistics is the only license management tool you need. License Statistics is easy to use and supplies readily understood, shareable reports on license usage throughout your organization.
Laying off employees is never easy. Make sure to get the maximum savings associated with a reduced workforce through proper IT management with License Statistics.

Get to know License Statistics