
License Statistics can help oil producing companies cut their operational costs

Oil industry has seen a deep downturn in the last months – the price of a barrel of oil has fallen more than 70 percent since June 2014. The drop, attributed to a number of reasons , including lower demand for oil by China due to the country’s economic slowdown or political conflicts in Iraq and Libya, is a blessing for some and no cause for celebration for others.

The “others” are oil industry companies.

Struggling to keep afloat

Countries and states involved in the manufacturing of oil, including the United States (with Alaska, North Dakota, Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana topping the list), Venezuela, Nigeria, Ecuador, Brazil and Russia, are suffering economic consequences of the prolonged slump in crude oil prices: 16 oil producing companies in the US filed for bankruptcy in 2015 alone. Dozens of others are struggling to stay alive by cutting their payrolls and other costs in order to save cash. But despite their best efforts, the fact remains that there are almost no wells profitable to drill in the United States now.

The affected companies face many hurdles, from having negative credit rating to not being able to pay off existing loans, and their costs are critical. And here’s where License Statistics can step in, helping companies that have network licenses improve their ROI and keep afloat by:

  • optimizing license usage and software costs by as much as 30%
  • improving company productivity
  • enabling them to plan budget and, based on it, make informed decisions about how many licenses to purchase

Simplicity and advanced features

Providing an out-of-the-box software license management experience, License Statistics lets companies track and report a wide variety of license usage information.

License Statistics is designed to be easy to use and you can get up and running with it in a few minutes. There’s no need to spend time learning more advanced features you might not need. But when you’re ready, the power of those advanced features is there for you to tap into.

Whether you just need to monitor 10, 100, or 1000 licenses, License Statistics is right for you. It gives you all the simplicity of less powerful license management tools, but with all the features , flexibility and adaptability you would expect from license management products selling for much more

The much needed flexibility

  • There are no requirements for 3rd party software, yet License Statistics integrates easily with other applications, such as Excel, for reporting purposes.
  • License Statistics supports over 15 different license managers , including LM-X, FLEXlm, FlexNet, Sentinel RMS, IBM LUM, Reprise License Manager (RLM), and Dassault Systemes License Server.
  • Using the License Statistics API , you can automate report generation and extract reports on demand to easily integrate them with your business processes.
  • The optional Usage Client add-on allows you to use License Statistics to monitor standalone application usage.
  • Open database which allows for generating virtually any types of reports by using custom SQL queries.

Optimized software spending

License Statistics can help any company that has network licenses improve their ROI. And in situations where a software license costs thousands of dollars, knowing where there is license under-utilization isn’t just important: it’s essential.

If you’re new to License Statistics, we encourage you to find out why this smart software license management solution can help your business .

Please try out the online demo or download a free trial to find out how easily you can reduce business risks, cut software costs by up to 30% and much more.