
License Statistics v6.14 introduces simplified, streamlined reporting

With License Statistics version 6.14, we’re making your life even easier, with simplified, streamlined reports that more clearly divide realtime and historical statistics and reduce the number of reports, while still providing all the information you need to make wise decisions when it comes to license management.

The improvements to License Statistics reports add up to time savings and enhanced understanding, helping you to:

We understand that regardless of the benefits reaped when changing the user interface of an application you’ve gotten used to, getting accustomed to a shift can take time. To help you with the learning curve, we’ll be maintaining a legacy navigation menu, which you can find at the bottom of the regular menu, for the next few releases of License Statistics. Simply click on the link you were using with previous releases, and you’ll be automatically routed to the new page, with all settings adjusted to show the details you’re looking for.

Our goal is to continuously improve License Statistics in ways that are beneficial for you and directly address the feedback you give us. We’d love to hear how you like the new License Statistics reporting structure and the many other new features and enhancements we’ve delivered with License Statistics v6.14! As always, please feel free to contact support@x-formation.com with any questions. We’ll be delighted to serve you.