
Open the door to license optimization with License Statistics

If you’ve been tasked with reducing your company’s IT costs, improving your organization’s efficiency, or maintaining software license compliance, look no further. X-Formation’s complete solution for tracking and reporting software license usage, License Statistics , is the key toall doorsfor your company’s sound license management.

Door No. 1: Reduce software costs by 30%.

Why? Software purchases comprise from 20% to 35% of the typical IT budget. On average, companies overspend on software license agreements and maintenance by nearly 30%. Don’t let your company be average!

How? With License Statistics it’s as easy as opening a browser to see monthly usage percentages for chosen licenses. Once you gain insight into the number of licenses used during the periods of highest usage, as well as which licenses were underused or even untouched, you will quickly discover areas for potential savings. And savings can be enormous!

Door No. 2: Improve productivity.

Why?Employees are the cornerstone of each company. If they cannot access the software they need, they simply cannot do their work.

How?Thanks to License Statistics’ Denial Requests report, you can determine how many denials occurred in a given time period, which users were denied, how often denials took place and when they occurred.

Door No. 3: Plan your future licensing budget accurately.

Why? Many companies are not knowledgeable about their present software usage or their future software needs. Knowing which users use a given feature greatly helps you anticipate renewal costs and negotiate the cost of new licenses. Such knowledge also contributes to gaining meaningful insight into trends, costs and contract entitlements.

How? License Statistics makes it possible for you to be in the know about the features that are most utilized, license usage longer than 24 hours, features that are nearing expiration, and information on users using features on more than one host.

Knowing the doors you must unlock to find your path to license optimization is crucial to effective license management. If you want to have the key that will help you increase your company’s ROI, simply try the demo , see how well this key fits in, and open the door to success!