
Customer Case Study: Leitner Technologies

Leitner Technologies boosts productivity, reduces licensing costs thanks to effective license management solutions enabled by License Statistics.

Client: Leitner Technologies
Problem: Low Productivity and Out-of-Control Cost of CAD/CAM/CAE Software Licenses
Solution: License Statistics


Leitner Technologies, established in 1888, is one of the leading manufacturers of ropeways, snow groomers, wind turbines, and urban transportation systems. Leitner has approximately 130 CAD Workplaces supporting 2D/3D CAD production, and uses a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) System for collaboration. Most CAD licenses are shared network licenses, with 3D CAD licenses being the most expensive.

Because licenses were being purchased ad hoc to cover productivity problems caused by inconsistent access to critical software. Frequent, small purchases were expensive and caused budgeting challenges.

“Our license purchases were reactive,” said Moritz Amort, Leitner IT Engineer. “We bought additional licenses when users started complaining about license shortages, or we bought a bundle because a certain number of additional Workplaces had to be installed,”

Leitner discovered the source of the problem: They had no means to optimize and effectively manage their shared network applications while meeting user demand for access. Complicating matters, the company lacked the ability to appropriately budget and distribute licensing costs based on the needs of each of their business divisions.

How Lietner Approached It

At first, Leitner was forced to estimate how many licenses each division needed based on the number of installed clients for that division. Because not all clients had the same demand for licenses or usage requirements as others, the license partitioning scheme was inefficient and more costly than it should have been.

Seeking a full-featured and affordable license management solution, Leitner evaluated X-Formation’s License Statistics monitoring software. It surpassed Leitner’s expectations, Amort explained. “We chose License Statistics over the competition because the software met all of our requirements right out of the box.”

Once it put License Statistics into production and began monitoring actual license usage throughout their divisions, Leitner was pleased with achieving an effective license management solution that met all their needs. “Unlike our past reactive license purchasing practices,” Amort continued, “License Statistics now makes it possible for us to monitor our license usage over the year so we react proactively to anticipated license shortages. License Statistics enables us to buy additional licenses right when we need them, saving on license and maintenance costs, as well as minimizing the troubles of license shortages.”

What It’s Like Now

Not only did License Statistics ensure Leitner always had sufficient licenses at the best cost, but it solved the problem of accurately determining per-division costs. Amort said, “With License Statistics we can now monitor the real usage of each license for every user and partition the costs in a more realistic and fair way.”

License Statistics solved Leitner’s issues surrounding both license purchasing and cost allocation. The company can ensure its users are optimally productive at the lowest cause thanks to more effective and accurate planning made possible by License Statistics.

Amort concluded, “We have been fully satisfied with License Statistics. Not only does the software solve our business problems, but the support during and after the trial period and the documentation are great.”

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