
Case Study: Impararia appreciates LM-X’s unique approach to software protection and superior level of support provided by X-Formation

About Impararia

Impararia remains at the forefront of BIM & PLM industries as a key PLM system integrator active in a variety of industries, including aerospace and construction. They deliver innovative software that integrates CAD and PLM to help companies release their products faster and leverage costs.

The Business Challenge and the LM-X Solution

Before using LM-X License Manager , they hadn’t been using any license management solution. They chose X-Formation’s software license manager after benchmarking it against other tools available on the market and immediately paid attention to the superior level of technical support they received from X-Formation as well as the cost of the LM-X solution.

The biggest challenge Impararia was facing was trying to find a way of protecting their software before selling it. LM-X License Manager helped them secure their software thanks to its robust features that ensure uninterrupted access to the software for end users even when one of the license servers goes down or when a connection to the network is not possible.


LM-X’s full features and flexibility are an effective combination that assured satisfaction for both Impararia and their end users.

For Impararia, LM-X License Manager proved to be a great license management solution, with better flexibility, features, price and support.