
License Statistics helps MA Hospitals better forecast their future licensing needs and plan purchasing accordingly

The Business Challenge and the License Statistics solution

The Massachusetts Hospital Association (MHA) is a large not-for-profit health organization comprised of hospitals and health systems, as well as related organizations.

Before using License Statistics , MA Hospitals did not use any license management solution. The vendor from whom they purchase software uses LM-X License Manager to protect and license his software applications and this vendor recommended that they try out License Statistics and see how it can help them gain full control over their company’s license usage.

Buying X-Formation’s license tracking solution enabled them to see which licenses were in use, identify licenses that were overused or nearing overuse, and, based on the collected license usage data, establish whether there is a need to add base or functional modules.

Overall, License Statistics proves to be a valuable tool that lets MA Hospitals collect and present data necessary to make smart, intelligent decisions for software budgeting by letting them:

  • Monitor how many licenses are available
  • See how often users were denied licenses and when these denials occurred
  • Check which applications are being used most

The above information allows MA Hospitals to make a solid justification for the need to purchase more licenses and avoid overspending on purchases and software renewals.


Although they’re still in the beginning stages of data collection, they already define their experience with License Statistics as very positive and say License Statistics is a valuable software license management solution that helps them:

  • Gain control over their IT assets
  • Improve the company’s business operations and profitability
  • Better plan future licensing needs

If you haven’t tried License Statistics yet, try out our online demo or download a free trial to find out how easily you can gain control of your IT assets and avoid the costs and risks of getting it wrong.